Sexy Serviceman Shares #hotpeopleproblems

Jun Kai answers mere mortal FAQs

2 min readNov 13, 2018

Remember him?

Courtesy: Mothership

Turns out, we’re long-lost friends of almost 10 years! We recently reconnected via Instagram, later over dinner.

Are you hot?

10/10. *laughs jokingly*

I look better older. My fashion, hairstyle, body and attitude have changed.

What’s your horoscope?

Aries. It’s true.

Describe you.

I have my own vibe, sense of style. The way I move, talk, mix with people. I chill over coffee for hours. I make it count. Talk a lot. Learn about people.

Everyone around me smokes, drinks, parties. I want to cut down.

I’m family oriented. I don’t get angry easily.

Any #hotpeopleproblems?

DMs. I don’t entertain them.

What’s people’s first impression of you?

That I look not bad, I’m cool, quiet.

You look like Ethan Ruan.

Courtesy: LOLOHA

Who’s that.

Are you smizing?

What’s that.



Is there pressure to be on the up-and-up 24/7?

If people think I’m hot, I’m hot all the way. Even in slippers, beach shorts.

Impress me.

I sleep early. I never wake up later than 8:30am. I gym every day.

Courtesy: @r.junkai

At 18, I got my driver’s license in 1 month. At 19 during NS, I passed 3 general insurance papers to get certificated.

I do a lot of charity. On my birthday, I fork out $200 of rice, pampers, etc. to gift to old folks’ homes.

Who is your idol?


Have you ever used your hotness?


Courtesy: @r.junkai

What do you look for in friends?

Those respectful, humble, well-spoken, mature. I like older people.

What’s your romantic type?

Pretty, simple, humble, low-profile, guai guai. No excessive clubbing, dressing.



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