Sexy Serviceman Shares #hotpeopleproblems
Jun Kai answers mere mortal FAQs
Remember him?
Turns out, we’re long-lost friends of almost 10 years! We recently reconnected via Instagram, later over dinner.
Are you hot?
10/10. *laughs jokingly*
I look better older. My fashion, hairstyle, body and attitude have changed.
What’s your horoscope?
Aries. It’s true.
Describe you.
I have my own vibe, sense of style. The way I move, talk, mix with people. I chill over coffee for hours. I make it count. Talk a lot. Learn about people.
Everyone around me smokes, drinks, parties. I want to cut down.
I’m family oriented. I don’t get angry easily.
Any #hotpeopleproblems?
DMs. I don’t entertain them.
What’s people’s first impression of you?
That I look not bad, I’m cool, quiet.
You look like Ethan Ruan.
Who’s that.
Are you smizing?
What’s that.
Is there pressure to be on the up-and-up 24/7?
If people think I’m hot, I’m hot all the way. Even in slippers, beach shorts.
Impress me.
I sleep early. I never wake up later than 8:30am. I gym every day.
At 18, I got my driver’s license in 1 month. At 19 during NS, I passed 3 general insurance papers to get certificated.
I do a lot of charity. On my birthday, I fork out $200 of rice, pampers, etc. to gift to old folks’ homes.
Who is your idol?
Have you ever used your hotness?
What do you look for in friends?
Those respectful, humble, well-spoken, mature. I like older people.
What’s your romantic type?
Pretty, simple, humble, low-profile, guai guai. No excessive clubbing, dressing.